Become Your Best Self with Tummy Tuck Surgery
If your goal is a flatter abdomen and a beautiful body contour, a tummy tuck can do in one surgery what months of diet and exercise may be unable to accomplish. Abdominoplasty removes excess skin and fat from your midsection, transforming your appearance in a single outpatient procedure.
Myers Plastic Surgery can help you reach your goals in physical beauty. Dr. Wesley Myers, an accomplished board-certified plastic surgeon, designs each tummy tuck procedure to meet the needs of the individual patient. He sculpts the abdominal area to provide the most attractive line, most natural appearance, and smoothest contour possible.
Just as important as your results is the care you receive. Myers Plastic Surgery offers a consultation by appointment to discuss what you want to achieve and to get answers to any questions you have about tummy tuck surgery. Our supportive, communicative approach will guide you throughout your experience.
Dr. Myers performs tummy tuck procedures at accredited surgical centers. After your procedure, you can expect to return home the same day.
Most patients are able to get back to normal activities within a few weeks and to enjoy the results of their procedure within months of surgery. Along the way, Dr. Myers and our team will meet regularly with you to promote a safe and comfortable recovery.
Call (936) 539-8115 for your FREE consultation!