Can Botox Help Reduce Under Eye Bags?

January 3rd, 2017

botoxundereyeUnder eye bags are not flattering for anyone. In today’s world, under eye bags are a sign of tiredness and exhaustion. When you see someone who has bags under their eyes, you automatically assume they haven’t been getting enough sleep and are stressed out. As a result, we jump to conclusions about that person and think that they’re possibly lazy or unorganized if they’re not able to handle getting the right amount of sleep. It seems a bit harsh, but realistically, it’s something that most people think even subconsciously.

Physical appearance isn’t everything, but admittedly looks are important. Especially when a feature like under eye bags can have such an effect on how other people interact with you. So when it comes to under eye bags, it’s no wonder that patients in The Woodlands look to Botox to solve the issue. On top of making you look as if you’re constantly unimpressed, under eye bags can make you also seem unfocused. Additionally, these unflattering features will make you look much older, which is never a plus.

What Causes Under Eye Bags?

Many people wish that they could stay youthful forever and maintain refreshed, glowing faces; however, that’s not the realistic. Along with aging, it’s natural that physical features on our face and body may start to change over time. For instance, under eye bags are common features for many patients in The Woodlands. They are a result of several things besides aging, including heredity and lack of sleep. Sometimes, stress can also be a factor because it affects the amount of sleep you’re getting. Heredity is also a main factor because genetics play a role in every physical feature we have. Another factor that most people don’t consider are allergies. Some people can develop under eye bags because of swelling due to an allergic reaction. Avoiding the allergen can help reduce swelling and avoid eye bags, however when you get allergies again; it’s likely that you can develop eye bags. Ultimately, regardless of the cause, getting under eye bags is a normal problem that many residents in The Woodlands struggle with.

How Botox Can Restore Your Face

This is where Botox comes in. For most patients in The Woodlands, Botox is known to improve your looks. Specifically, the treatment is used to fix facial features including frown lines, crow’s feet, and smile lines. However, most people don’t know that Botox can also be used for under eye issues as well. Everybody knows that the procedure is meant to leave you looking more youthful and vibrant. At Myers Plastic Surgery, we recommend Botox to patients who have saggy under eye bags to correct the problem. Depending on how bad the under eye bags are, you may need a more invasive surgery such as blepharoplasty. Nonetheless, Botox works perfectly for patients that have normal scale under eye bags that aren’t particularly bad.

To get rid of those unappealing under eye bags, call Myers Plastic Surgery today for an appointment!