Question: Nose shape with taping (massage) after rhinoplasty, which shape will I see?

January 20th, 2014

rhinoplasty results

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2 months ago my nose was thinned. I have thick skin. After surgery my doctor give me massages, But i see that when i forget tapping my nose, nose gets bigger and bigger, looks like its old shape.But on the other hand when i massage regularly it is getting really thin. Also I know I need to wait about 10-12 month to see final result cause I’ve really thick skin. But I wonder at the end of the everything, will my nose looks as same as the shape like after I massage at the moment?


Thank you for your question. After a Rhinoplasty surgery it can take several months for the swelling to subside and you may not realize the final shape of your nose for up to 12 months. It is too soon in your convalescence to determine the final shape of your nose. Give the swelling time to evolve. I recommend that you follow the post-operative instructions that you were given by your plastic surgeon.