7 Nose Shapes That Can Be Corrected with Rhinoplasty

November 23rd, 2017

the woodlands rhinoplasty Imagine if they took a picture of every person’s nose from every continent on earth and tried to find 2 that were exactly the same – it couldn’t be done, right? There are subtle differences in all of our features that make us one of a kind. But, if you could ask anyone on the planet what makes a nose attractive, the consensus would be that an appealing nose should be in harmony and balance with the other features. A nice looking nose doesn’t distract from the rest of the face. For people living in The Woodlands that are unhappy with the shape of their noses, rhinoplasty is a common solution.

My Nose Doesn’t Look Normal

If you have always known that your nose was unusual, even if it’s a genetic trait, we’ve made a list of 7  shapes of noses along with a brief description of each to help you identify what your particular nose shape is and how each type can be corrected with rhinoplasty.

  1. Humped Nose. Simply put, this nose has a prominent bump on the bridge that is most noticeable from a side view and the size and shape vary from person to person. Although the hump may be an inherited trait, it can also be a result of trauma. There are different ways to reduce a dorsal hump depending on the The Woodlands patient’s unique case.


  1. Pinched Nose. A nose that is excessively narrow at the tip is referred to as a “pinched nose.” It’s often the result of a prior rhinoplasty procedure that was done incorrectly. The cartilage of a pinched nasal tip is quite weak and is typically corrected by grafting cartilage from another area of the body, creating a natural looking tip while improving air flow – as breathing difficulties are a common complaint.


  1. Boxy Tip. The distinguishing features of a boxy tipped nose are best seen from below. The nasal tip is broad, rectangular, wide, and thick. Rhinoplasty patients in The Woodlands often mistake the boxy tip of their noses to be a bulbous tip. The technique involved in the correction of a boxy tipped nose is in some ways like that of a bulbous shaped nose – in that it requires trimming away excess cartilage.


  1. Bulbous Nose. Lacking definition and having a rounded shape are characteristics of a bulbous nose. Rhinoplasty patients in The Woodlands who suffer from rosacea often have a bulbous nose. Dr. Myers refines this type of nose for his patients in The Woodlands by reshaping the cartilage to create a more triangular, well defined, and elegant looking nose.


  1. Plunging Tip. Sometimes referred to as a “droopy” nose, a plunging tip is heavy looking and dominates the way your nose looks. When you smile the surrounding facial muscles give your already plunging nasal tip the illusion that your nose is drooping down even further. Generally, Dr. Myers corrects a plunging tip with “rotation” of the tip and cartilage. The idea is to lift the tip using certain techniques to give your unflatteringly long nose a more proportional appearance.


  1. Hanging Columella. This could be described as excessive nostril show, a nasal deformity that is either a result of a previous rhinoplasty procedure or is naturally occurring. Nostrils that are noticeably higher than the tissue that separates the 2 sides of the nose called a hanging columella. Typically, this is a minor rhinoplasty procedure in which Dr. Myers makes an incision inside the nose to reposition columellar cartilage, in many cases, it’s as easy as removing a small amount of skin and mucous membrane.


  1. Widened Nose. A broad, or widened nose, can be recognized by its flat appearance and can occur naturally or be caused by an injury. Breathing issues are associated with this shape of nose, as is the case with many of the nasal problems mentioned above that Dr. Myers treats with rhinoplasty surgery. The goal when correcting a widened nose is to narrow and sculpt it using specialized techniques.

Need More Information?

If you live in The Woodlands and have identified yourself as having one or more nasal problem, and are interested in learning more about how we can help you breathe better, look better, and feel better than call (936) 539-8115 today to arrange an appointment with Dr. Myers.