
Wow! You’ve had such an exciting day. You are eager to rush home to your partner and discuss the whole experience and what your results will look like a few days from now. You probably listened to Dr. Myers intently about what you can, and cannot do after getting Botox. Including how long you should […]

It isn’t always about doing something that can speed up your results, but NOT doing certain activities which can slow down or alter the outcome. Millions of people a year have Botox injections because it is a non-invasive, relatively inexpensive procedure that requires minimal downtime. Dr. Myers treats patients in The Woodlands who want a […]

Botox isn’t just for your Mom anymore! And it certainly isn’t reserved just for the young men and women walking the runways in New York City or the reality stars in Los Angeles. No, Botox is so safe and well-studied that people, young – and not so young – are having it done. 20-something’s who […]

Smile lines! They sound so cheerful. After all, smiles are fabulous, right? Unfortunately, even when you’re not smiling these parenthesis-like creases on either side of your mouth, also known as nasolabial folds, are still visible. With age, these smile lines often become exaggerated by some common factors. The great news for men and women who […]

When it comes to choosing a cosmetic surgery to tighten and smooth your skin, it’s usually a choice between two main surgeries: Botox and dermal fillers. Both surgeries are used to help enhance the appearance of your face. However, not many people know the exact difference between the two. While Botox injections in The Woodlands […]